At International Science and Technology University, we aim to provide our users with greater control over how we collect and store information through cookies. This page explains how you can manage your cookie preferences and how these preferences may impact our website.

How to Manage Your Cookie Preferences
To manage your cookie preferences, follow these steps:
• Cookie Settings: Go to your browser's settings and select the privacy tab. Here, you can customize your cookie preferences and choose which types of cookies you wish to accept or reject.
• Rejecting Cookies: Please note that when you set your browser to reject cookies, there is a risk that certain features or services may not work.

Changing your cookie preferences may result in the loss of certain functionalities on previously visited pages or the unavailability of some content.

If you have any questions or feedback regarding your cookie preferences or any concerns about cookies, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our contact information can be found on our website.

Thank you for choosing International Science and Technology University. By managing your cookie preferences, you can improve your experience on our website.