International Science and Technology University (ISTU), whose one of the languages of education is English; uses the most advanced informatics-based methods and techniques to improve the English language proficiency of all its undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students and raise them to the expected level. Thus, using a universal language like English fluently; you will also have the ability to easily access international literature related to your profession.

As an indication of the importance it attaches to education quality and professionalism, ISTU will conduct English preparatory class education in cooperation with Wall Street English, one of the world's leading and well-established language schools. Thus, our students, who receive training from competent linguists from various regions of the world, will have superior proficiency in the use of English at the end of the preparatory class.

Wall Street English offers 20 English levels from beginners to advanced, which are aligned with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The CEFR levels are split into six - A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2. These levels evaluate writing, listening, reading, spoken production and spoken interaction skills.

Levels 1-2 (Pre-A1)
You can understand short answers to specific questions (such as the date or time of a meeting) when someone speaks very slowly.
You can take part in a short conversation if the other person speaks very slowly. You can introduce yourself and others in a simple way.
You can understand common words and short phrases on signs and notices. You can understand common items on a menu.
You can fill in simple forms with basic personal information.

Levels 3-5 (A1)
You can understand short phrases that give instructions or information when someone speaks slowly.
You can give basic information about yourself. You can discuss common topics (such as the weather).
You can understand common words and phrases in short texts such as advertisements, catalogs, and posters.
You can write a simple email or short message. You can fill in forms with personal data and other information.

Levels 6-9 (A2)
You can understand useful information, for example travel announcements and directions.
You can communicate during everyday tasks, make plans, give instructions, and exchange information.
You can read short texts and emails, and can find specific information in everyday material such as brochures or websites
You can write short personal emails, messages, notes, and summaries.

Levels 10-13 (B1)
You can understand the main points of a presentation on a familiar topic. You can understand a TV program or podcast related to everyday life.
You can have conversations about common topics and everyday life. You can communicate in most situations when traveling.
You can understand emails and longer texts on topics related to common daily activities, descriptions of events, and texts that express feelings and wishes.
You can write clear summaries and reports on subjects that are familiar to you. You can write professional emails.

Levels 14-17 (B2)
You can understand conversations and speeches in most situations in your personal and professional life.
You can communicate confidently during conversations with others, describe a wide variety of events, and express your point of view.
You can understand longer texts such as newspaper articles about current affairs, and can comprehend contrasting viewpoints.
You can write clear, complex texts about a wide range of subjects, justify the pros and cons of plans, and give your personal opinion.

Levels 18-20 (C1)
You can understand extended speeches even on unfamiliar topics. You can follow any TV program or film without much effort.
You can converse spontaneously and fluently. You use English flexibly and effectively for personal and professional purposes.
You can understand long and complex texts related to specific events and topics. You can read books and technical manuals without difficulty.
You can write well-structured texts expressing your viewpoint, using complex themes and modifying your writing style according to the reader.