Level and Duration of Department: Bachelor, 8 Semesters.
Department of Exercise and Sports Sciences Mission
The Department of Exercise and Sports Sciences is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and expertise in the field of exercise and sports sciences through rigorous scientific research. Our mission is to provide exceptional education and training in areas such as health and performance optimization, sports management, and rehabilitation, while maintaining a commitment to ethical values and a multidisciplinary approach. We are devoted to fostering academic success and professional growth in our students, and strive to contribute to a healthier and more active society in the future.
Department of Exercise and Sports Sciences Vision
In pursuit of our ambition to become a preeminent global hub in the field of Exercise and Sports Sciences, we aspire to lead the charge in scientific research and practical application. Concurrently, we endeavor to deliver unparalleled distance education to students in the domains of sports-based health and performance. Our educational approach equips students with diverse knowledge and competencies, grooming them into visionary leaders who promote holistic health and drive innovation in the sports sector. Furthermore, we are committed to shaping the future of exercise and sports sciences through the fusion of relentless scientific advancements, ethical principles, and a sense of social responsibility. Consequently, our ultimate goal is to distinguish ourselves as the department of exercise and sports sciences that actively contributes to the betterment of society’s health and well-being.
Program Purpose: Department of Exercise and Sports Sciences aims to provide students with in-depth knowledge of sports, physical activity, health, exercise, and training to develop the skills needed to promote physical activity and improve human health.
1. Basic knowledge and skill acquisition: Students were provided with information on basic anatomical, physiological, nutritional, and sports sciences.This information forms the basis for promoting healthy lifestyles and improving athlete performance.
2. Exercise and Training Management: Students gain skills in designing exercise programs, managing athletes, and organizing sports events. This includes optimizing the performance of athletes and tailoring exercise programs to individual needs.
3.Health and Mobility Promotion: The program focused on developing the communication and educational skills needed to encourage individuals to adopt healthy lifestyles and participate in physical activity. This study aimed to reduce obesity, heart disease, and other health problems.
4. Research Developments and Analytical Capabilities: The program provided students with the ability to examine and conduct research on sports- and exercise-related problems using scientific methods. This offers an opportunity to contribute to the current developments in the field of sports science.
5. Ethical and Professional Standards: The program teaches ethical principles related to sports and exercise, and encourages students to act ethically. It also emphasizes the need to comply with professional standards of sports and exercise. The Department of Exercise and Sports Sciences offers students the opportunity to pursue a career in sports and physical activity or in postgraduate studies. Simultaneously, it aims to increase public health by contributing to society's adoption of a healthier lifestyle.
Program Achievements: The important skills and knowledge areas that students are expected to gain upon completion of the Department of Exercise and Sports Sciences are as follows:
1. Basic Science Knowledge: With knowledge of anatomy and physiology, they learn the structure and functioning of the human body, biochemical processes related to sports and exercise in the field of biochemistry, and basic principles of movement with a physical background.
2. Exercise Physiology: They gain knowledge about the effects of physical activity and exercise on the body, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and musculoskeletal system physiology.
3. Training Science and Performance Analysis: They acquire competence in the design and implementation of sports training programs and in the evaluation and analysis of physical performance in athletes.
4. Sports Management and Organization:They gained knowledge about sports organizations and club management, event planning and organization, and sports ethics and law.
5. Health and Fitness Management: The ability to evaluate the health status of individuals, public health and exercise, design and implement fitness programs, and relate exercise to health development.The ability to design individual- and group-based exercise programs and create programs for different goals (strength increase, endurance development, weight control, etc.) develops.
6. Human Movement Science: They acquire basic knowledge about biomechanics, motor control, and the ability to perform movement analysis.
7. Psychology and Motivation: They gain competence in analyzing the psychological preparation of athletes and the relationship between motivation and performance.
8. Communication and Human Relations: Teamwork, leadership skills, human relations, and interaction skills were developed.
9. Research and Analytical Abilities: Scientific research methods, data analysis, and interpretation skills were developed.They gain the ability to understand current research in the field of exercise and sports sciences and conduct small-scale research projects.
10. Ethics and Professional Responsibilities: Awareness of acting in accordance with ethical rules and professional responsibility develops, and motivation for professional development and continuous learning increases.
Program Employment Areas: Graduates who complete department of exercise and sports science have various employment opportunities. Below are some potential employment areas:
1. Exercise Consultancy and Physiotherapy: Graduates can work as exercise counselors to assess their physical activity needs and to design appropriate exercise programs. They can also assist in rehabilitation processes together with physiotherapists.
2. Sports and Health Centers: Graduates can work as exercise trainers or sports managers in gymnasiums, sports clubs, health centers, and fitness facilities.In these areas, they may undertake tasks, such as planning exercise programs, managing athletes, and contributing to facility management.
3. University and School Sports: Various educational institutions, especially those that prioritize amputee athletes, sports schools, and sports programs, require exercise and sports science graduates. They may undertake tasks, such as providing sports training to students, managing sports teams, and organizing school-wide sports events.
4. Sport Management and Organization: Sports organizations need sports managers for the organization, marketing, and management of sports clubs and events. Graduates can work in organizations, such as managers, marketing specialists, and event coordinators.
5. Sports Nutrition and Health Consultancy: Graduates who have gained expertise in nutrition and health can work as sports nutrition consultants to assess the nutritional needs of athletes and to create appropriate nutrition programs.
6. Research and Education: Graduates can work as academics or research assistants at universities and research institutes. They may also have the opportunity to teach sports science lessons at educational institutions.
7. Health and Public Health: Healthcare organizations, hospitals, and public health agencies may offer exercise and sports science graduates the opportunity to consult on the design and implementation of health promotion and disease prevention programs.
Lessons Process: The Department of Exercise and Sports Sciences, which operates via an online Learning Management System (LMS), affords students the opportunity to acquire knowledge through a distance education model.This enabled students to attend classes remotely and complete the program.The following information provides further details regarding the operation of LMS-based programs:
1. Online Course Material: The course content of the program can be accessed on the LMS platform, which provides students with a comprehensive range of resources including lecture notes, slides, videos, reading materials, and other relevant study materials.
2. Video Lessons: The instructional process is bolstered by the provision of video lecture recordings, which enable students to access and comprehend the course material online.
3. Live Lessons and Webinars: Certain programs offer live classes or webinars, which provide students with the opportunity to engage with their instructors in real time.
4. Interactive Discussion and Forums: LMS offers interactive discussion boards and forums for the benefit of students. These resources enable students to pose course-related inquiries and engage in discourse with peers.
5. Student Reviews: Online assessments, such as quizzes, assignments, and project submissions, are used to gauge students' learning outcomes. These evaluations assess students' proficiency in comprehending and applying the course content.
6. Customized Course Programs: LMS provides students with personalized course schedules that cater to their unique interests or professional aspirations.
7. Communication over the Internet: The LMS provides students with the ability to communicate with their instructors and classmates through various means including email, messaging, and video conferencing tools.
8. Research and Project Collaboration: By utilizing LMS, students can collaborate on research projects and create online study groups.
9. Exam and Certificate: Upon successful completion of the program, students are presented with a diploma or undergraduate certificate, which serves as a proof of their graduation.The utilization of an Internet-based learning management system (LMS) provides students with the opportunity to engage in studies without being constrained by geographical or temporal limitations.Nevertheless, students must exhibit discipline, possess a reliable Internet connection, and develop proficiency in utilizing digital learning platforms. Additionally, instructional design and technical support played a pivotal role in ensuring the effective operation of the program.
9. Exam and Diploma: Successful completion of the program leads to the awarding of a bachelor's degree. The use of an Internet-based LMS in conducting the program offers students flexibility to study without being limited by geographical or time constraints. Nevertheless, students must exhibit self-discipline, possess a reliable Internet connection, and develop proficiency in utilizing digital learning platforms.

Bölüm Müfredati / Department Curriculum